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The story of Infant Crisis Services began in 1984 as a Sunday school class tried to discover how they could make a difference in their community. Our Executive Director and Co-founder, Miki Farris, talks about the journey below.

As I sit in my office at 42nd and Lincoln, I look out my window and see the steeple of Westminster Presbyterian Church and I think of the Sunday school class that started it all. As a class, we decided we wanted to do something to assist parents that struggled to provide the necessary essentials to their little ones. I was a new mom myself, and was incredibly fortunate to be able to provide for my children. I knew there were moms out there that couldn’t and it broke my heart. Through this Sunday school class, Infant Crisis Services was born.

Since that Sunday school class, Infant Crisis Services has had several homes. Just as children grow, we did too. We finally settled and grew even more at our current home at 4224 N Lincoln Boulevard. All of the growth and babies and toddlers served would not have been possible without our amazing community. It’s because of this generous community that babies and toddlers go to bed with dry diapers, full tummies and hope for a brighter future. I am so very thankful for you.

Always for the babies,

Miki Farris

Executive Director & Co-founder, Infant Crisis Services, Inc.

Infant Crisis Services
Donald W. Reynolds Center
4224 N. Lincoln Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Donor door hours are:
Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Service hours are:
Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm